How To Use DIY Citrus Cleaners. Northbrook Home Cleaning

How To Use DIY Citrus Cleaners. Northbrook Home Cleaning

Over two thousand everyday cleaning products contain chemicals known to cause cancer, congenital disabilities, and other serious health issues. The good news is that environmentally friendly alternatives provide the same level of cleanliness.

Lemons have several applications. Besides being a tasty treat, they can also be used for various cleaning tasks.

You’ve found the ideal place if you’ve been curious about cleaning with lemon but weren’t sure where to begin. Experts from Dial A Maid USA discuss the most effective ways for DIY cleaning with lemons.

Alternatively, you can use our professional Northbrook home cleaning crews that take the effort out of keeping your home spotless.


How To Clean Microwave With Lemon?

One of the best all-natural cleaners for your microwave is lemon. Cut the lemon in half and drop the halves into a bowl of water. Put the water with the lemon in the microwave for one minute. Your microwave’s baked-on food may loosen up after doing this.

Get rid of the filth with a clean cloth. A clean and fresh-smelling microwave is yours to enjoy. Dial A Maid USA employees know how to clean all kitchen appliances inside and out.


Clean Your Garbage Disposal With Northbrook Home Cleaning Skills

Putting lemon in your waste disposal might clean and eliminate the odor. For example, to clean the inside of your garbage disposal cut a lemon in half and use the cut side to scrub. The acid in the lemon will help leave odors, leaving your disposal smelling fresh and clean.

Likewise, you can make your all-purpose cleaner that helps yet isn’t a substitute for Northbrook home cleaning experts from Dial A Maid USA.


What you’ll need:


Put everything into a spray bottle and make it a good shake to blend the materials for your cleaner. Get to work cleaning! This cleaner has multiple uses and may be used on various surfaces, including counters, floors, and restrooms.

Make the juice of one lemon with a cup of olive oil for homemade, all-natural furniture polish. Apply polish to a soft rag, rub it into furniture, and then buff it to a gloss. Using these is ideal in between your Northbrook home cleaning visits.


How to Get Rid of Water Spots

Use a lemon to clean hard water stains from your shower’s walls and floor. The buildup can be removed by rubbing a cut lemon over the discoloration.

Alternately, you can spritz the accumulation with lemon juice and let it leave for 10 minutes. Then, get rid of the lemon juice by rinsing and drying.


Keep Your Kitchen Fresh

Put a bowl of lemon slices in the refrigerator to eliminate odors. If there are any lingering odors, the lemon will help neutralize them.

Scrubbing cutting boards with half a lemon will help keep them clear of bacteria. In addition, the lemon’s acidity will help eliminate any microorganisms that could be present.

Dial A Maid USA can give your kitchen a deep clean and disinfection if you need the area cleaned to perfection.


How To Use DIY Citrus Cleaners. Northbrook Home Cleaning

Lift Your Cleaning With Northbrook Home Cleaning Experts

Lemons have inherent antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties, making them ideal for cleaning. So, if life brings you lemons, make lemonade by cleaning!

Hiring Dial A Maid USA professionals is the way to go when more thorough cleaning is required than lemon can provide.

To ensure you get the best clean and healthy kitchen, you can cut through the search and contact us at 847-869-6243 or contact Dial a Maid USA online.

You can also fill in the form below for a staff member to be in touch. We can meet any schedule you desire to help clean your kitchen and the rest of your home if you desire.

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