Chandelier Crystal Cleaning by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

Chandelier Crystal Cleaning by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa, can be accomplished with just a few, simple cleaning solutions. Crystal Chandeliers are beautiful to look at when they are sparkling and shiny, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa. When the crystal becomes cloudy, in order to remove the cause of the cloudiness, which is the Magnesium and Calcium hard water deposits, some extra, cleaning is necessary to bring the crystal back to it’s original sparkling look, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.

To Remove the cloudiness from any crystal chandelier, use nail polish remover. This contains Acetone and is a great cleaner for the crystal. Use a little on a soft cloth. Scrub it gently into the Crystal. Let it sit for a few minutes. Use a mild detergent with warm water, to remove it. An alternative, is to place the cloudy crystals into plain, white, distilled, Vinegar for a few minutes. With the vinegar, only drying the soaked crystal is necessary to make it shiny again, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.

For maintaining and keeping the sparkling quality of Crystal Chandeliers, use a cotton glove and make a solution of 1 part alcohol and 3 parts distilled water. Dip the cotton glove into the solution and wipe each crystal this way, being very careful not to pull on the crystal itself, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Another great cleaning solution is to use 1 part white, distilled, vinegar and 3 parts distilled, water. Submerge the crystals into the solution. Carefully wash each crystal. Rinse with warm water. Dry each very well, before rehanging them onto the Chandelier Fixture, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.

If there is any chrome on the Chandelier, wash it with hot water and mild soap. This will enhance it’s shininess also.Don’t forget to wipe the extension rods and cables with a dry cloth also, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dialamaidusa.

Call Dialamaidusa, 847-869-6243,, or visit www,, for the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., servicing the whole North Shore and North West Suburbs of Chicago, IL.

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